A YouTube user has put on a “mask” (looks like his mom’s scarf) and threatened death threats to Donald Trump, his children and his wife, Melania Trump.
This is not the first time Donald Trump has been threatened.
Truth and Action previously reported about Ted Cruz making a jest about running The Donald down with his car.
Rapper Rick Ross, who stole his name from an actual gangster named Rick Ross (and was later sued), called for Trump’s assassination. No word on why the big bad gansta’ community is afraid to do this themselves…
With no irony intended, a Vice editor “joked” saying that a Trump assassination would save America from Fascism. How well does it go for all those people being targeted by the IRS? Guess Vice missed all those Lois Lerner stories.
A New York Magazine writer sent out a Tweet, offering a bounty for Trump “dead or alive.”
If President Obama was threatened by pop stars, a rival candidate or established publishing outlets, the wailing would have been unbearable.
Trump however, represents the end of the political & media establishments and they hate it. They think they will ride this out. The American People should show them that won’t happen.
The original video has been pulled so we linked to Mark Dice giving commentary about the original video on the next page.
Right back atcha
And just to be 100 your black$#%&!@*does not matter to me
but if he said this about the obamas,clintons,al sharton,eric holder or anyone else he would be hunted down this isint cool I don’t care who it is a threat is a threat he needs to be caught and hung
Double standards. If a person posted this and made this statement about Hillary or Obama, they would be in jail by now. It is okay to say things like this about republicans but not democrats.
Davon! Is that you?
A truly amazing read
Some people may not like this man because of the way he speaks or his tone. Some people may not like the idea’s of this man. Some people may disagree with this man. Some people down right dislike this man. Some people will spend hundreds of millions of dollars to stop this man.
Now let me tell you a little bit about this man. This man has ten billion reasons why he doesn’t have to run of President of the United States. This man puts his own life on the line every time he walks on stage to fight for our freedom and to protect us Americans. This man is not afraid to stand up to one of the world and largest corrupt government. Is this man angry? Are his supporters angry? YES, this man and his supporters are angry over the way America has been mistreated. This man should not have to give us every detail on all of his plans. Why should this man give all of our secrets away to our enemies? Why should this man give the other candidates the opportunity to keep stealing his plans.
In a country faced with so many problems, so much greed, so much fraud, so many lies, and so much corruption, this man is standing up for all MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN of every religion and race of the country he loves so much. This is why everyone in both parties, special interest groups, lobbyists and big donors are so afraid of this man because he will expose the truth, clean up our corrupt, cozy, greedy government that has been going on for such a very long time!
These people will make up lies, call this man hateful names to make him look bad. Yet this man defies all these lies and is opening up America’s eyes!
This man is a TRUE PROVEN LEADER and a FIGHTER. I will stand by and vote for this man to protect our country for the sake of our freedom and for the future of our children!
This man is NOT an ANGRY “man”. This man is a KIND, GIVING, CARING, HONEST, LOVING family man. This man is a smart successful businessman . This man has done nothing but great things for our country, yet this man is put down for every little thing he says or does. Please do not let the media, lying politicians and our corrupt goverment fool you about this man. They have done it in past history and are doing it again.
This man is DONALD J. TRUMP and will be the next President of the United States!
Please comment “AMEN” and Like if you agree, We stand united by this man to give him chance, and help take back our great country of AMERICA. We stand by this man to Make America GREATER, SAFER and STRONGER then ever AGAIN!
Your We Support Donald Trump
Making threats, he should be in jail, since this is against the Law.
Take off the mask,& smile…wait for it.
This is a punishable threat
He meeds to be arrested!!!!