Political correctness is proving not just to be a slippery slope for Americans, but also for other countries around the world. And what do all of these incidents involving political correctness share in common? An alleged religion of peace called Islam. As if the migrant problems in Western Europe haven’t been enough of a cautionary tale for Western countries, it would seem that Australia is now falling victim to the strategy of “turning a blind eye” to Muslim-related crimes.
A man who shouted “Allahu Akbar” while stabbing a British woman in Australia is being protected by Australian authorities who claim that the crime was not motivated by religion, but instead by mental health problems. Okay, because the first thing mentally ill people think to yell when murdering somebody is a religious phrase used by terrorists.
Twenty-one year old Mia Ayliffe-Chung was stabbed at a backpackers hostel in Australia and another British man was injured. The culprit is a twenty-nine year old man who had been in Australia since March, on a temporary visa.
Read what the Australian police commissioner had to say on the next page.
So Agree
“Authorities” say broad faced BS,….Rememeber Idiots….soon you will be out of Obooooomas hands and in real law and order directions…..getting yourselves in trouble. I would sue each and every one of you individually for as long as it takes to getcha.
And liberals will believe it
I appreciate your service to our country..but you obviously have never read the Qur’an..I’m an atheist who took comparative or religion in college…lol 109 vs of mayhem? Lol you’re the authority?
Islam condones killing of innocent Christian (and Jewish men) the enslavement of women and the raping of children. Stop allowing the liberal media tell you who to like.
But we have freedom of religion?
James Haggerty you shouldn’t comment about what you obviously don’t know about..
BS, history shows the Muslims have been invading Europe killing the men enslaving the women and raping the children for 1400, the Christian Crusades were just in defense of innocent being attacked for hundreds of years by the savages Muslims.