Twenty-two-year-old Grant Jacob Taylor was in traffic when he threw an apple core at firefighter, Dennis Rodeman, and then proceeded to run him over with his truck.
Rodeman also an Iraqi war veteran, and newly married with a child on the way, was with fellow firefighters who were collecting donations for a charity called Fill the Boot, an annual fundraising campaign for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and International Association of Firefighters, when the incident occurred.
See Taylor’s reason next page
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Nothing but another thug here. Get a rope.
Everybody is a potential criminal, criminal mind knows no skin color, race, culture, religion and so on.
wow…what a reason, traffic was moving too slow, so now you are going to prison for the rest of your life…was it worth it?
prayers to firefighter’s family
What a cowardly piece of sh*t…..
At least we know “why” we should string him from his neck until he’s dead.
Just end this pos
Firing Squad for that POS
Had he used a gun there would be more calls for gun control. It’s not the gun anymore than the car. It’s the fool behind it.