A man who posted a rant on Facebook venting his frustration with the government and encroaching police state was contacted by the FBI within 24 hours of his post.
After 34-year-old Blaine Cooper from Humboldt, AZ posted his rant on Facebook FBI agents showed up at his door and brought him in for questioning for 45 minutes.
“The FBI made mention they came to question me so they didn’t have to kick in my door,” Cooper said.
Cooper admits to being part of a militia, which is why his posts were probably taken more seriously by the Feds. Still, this man was threatened and questioned by the Feds for exercising his free speech. If you read his post, he made no immediate threat to any one particular person.
Freedom?? Yeah.. Right!!!… Whoever taught you that was your enemy
Good for him, we all stood together we could get something done , people in numbers is power!! God bless all!!
well what do ya know civil rights infringements courtesy of obama and the paranoit people in washington–this is silly
Our freedom of speech is going out the door with Obama! Such a shame!
exercising his free speech. ..where are the missing files then?
Shows they Monitor our Facebook too.They beat 7 teeth out of my head and nothing was done to them either,Best swallow it and move on.
This happened to me as well. I called the White House and told them that I was disappointed with the way Obama care was put in place, over a weekend in the dark of night, and in violation of Obama’s “transparency” promise. I further pointed out that Obama was lucky this was not the 1770’s (during the days of the Founding Fathers) during which politicians committing such acts were dragged from their homes, tarred an feathered and run out of town on a rail.
Within four hours of hanging up the phone, I had a local city police officer, an FBI agent and a Secret Service Agent beating on my front door.
I was accused of threatening Obama…. when in fact I was simply pointing out a fact of history and threatening no one.
Any one that tries to kick In my doors will be meant by my 158 gain friends first. so I would advise to just knock first .