A man who posted a rant on Facebook venting his frustration with the government and encroaching police state was contacted by the FBI within 24 hours of his post.
After 34-year-old Blaine Cooper from Humboldt, AZ posted his rant on Facebook FBI agents showed up at his door and brought him in for questioning for 45 minutes.
“The FBI made mention they came to question me so they didn’t have to kick in my door,” Cooper said.
Cooper admits to being part of a militia, which is why his posts were probably taken more seriously by the Feds. Still, this man was threatened and questioned by the Feds for exercising his free speech. If you read his post, he made no immediate threat to any one particular person.
not surprised at all
they are the new (SS) nazi’s are back
I am surprised no one has come looking for me…I have a child that cares less about me than the weather, and I am disabled..Please knock on my door you Nazi murderers…I will put on a good show for the press…bring as many body bags as you bring gestapo
Well said David a draper,,,iagree
As I was trained, ONE SHOT-ONE KILL
Let em come kick my door I believe in the castle doctrine and my 1911 is never out of reach
Simpleman just because you are a lazy coward does not mean the people who will fight for your freedom are. You just be part of some group that makes you feel like your doing something a give yourself a good pat on the back well handle the rest
Storm troopers maybe
tell them to kiss ure azz…and do not work with them frigging commies !
Obama will destroy any one who tells the truth . he will use holder and his Chicago mafia. the media will not challenge him . thank god for FOX news they are the only not afraid of Obama.