A man who posted a rant on Facebook venting his frustration with the government and encroaching police state was contacted by the FBI within 24 hours of his post.
After 34-year-old Blaine Cooper from Humboldt, AZ posted his rant on Facebook FBI agents showed up at his door and brought him in for questioning for 45 minutes.
“The FBI made mention they came to question me so they didn’t have to kick in my door,” Cooper said.
Cooper admits to being part of a militia, which is why his posts were probably taken more seriously by the Feds. Still, this man was threatened and questioned by the Feds for exercising his free speech. If you read his post, he made no immediate threat to any one particular person.
Free speech is free speech… there are No imitations on what kind or the amount of free speech we may have.
Do much for our first amendment rights!
They have to justify their existence by harassment.
Thanks! We all could learn from this Man of Texas! We won’t have a 1st ammendment, and they are trying to take our 2nd ammendment. And before you know it if we were to not change the course, your going to wish the rest of our freedoms aren’t found on your next cavity search!
We have no Republic any longer. We live in a dictatorship. Remember that, vote and have all of your friends vote in November!!!
hiz point wuz made
I may not necessarily agree with everything he said totally but he has the right to free speech and did not directly threaten anyone specifically but voiced an opinion and his view of life in America and the rights of citizens in America. Based on what I read there didn’t seem to be any dire need to take him in for questioning for what he said.
freedom of free speech…get over it !!