A man who posted a rant on Facebook venting his frustration with the government and encroaching police state was contacted by the FBI within 24 hours of his post.
After 34-year-old Blaine Cooper from Humboldt, AZ posted his rant on Facebook FBI agents showed up at his door and brought him in for questioning for 45 minutes.
“The FBI made mention they came to question me so they didn’t have to kick in my door,” Cooper said.
Cooper admits to being part of a militia, which is why his posts were probably taken more seriously by the Feds. Still, this man was threatened and questioned by the Feds for exercising his free speech. If you read his post, he made no immediate threat to any one particular person.
Hang in there Tiger…..
We have a RIGHT to form militias, read the 2nd Amendment. It says The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed and the right of the people to form and keep a well-regulated militia to maintain the security of a free state if the federal or state governments were to become oppressive.
Get used to it. You ain’t seen nothing yet. $#%&!@* Obama!
Many of us agree with what he is saying. Some (a minority) of our police are acting like they make the law not enforce it. I believe that a majority of the local law enforcement agencies will stand against illegal laws and refuse to enforce them. The ones who you need to be aware of are the ones who are wannabes and the idiots in DHS. Being prepared and being aware of the situation around you is not a bad thing and loving the constitution and being willling to defend it is admirable not criminal.
Keep it up and there will be a hell of a lot more than just rants on facebook.
how soon will it be before they come after me? OH wait they have I have had the IRS coming down on me for no reason except that I posted and talked about the same things he did
Folks….its not just Obama it is every President in our lifetimes….it is the concept that a small group of people should somehow rule over the rest of the population…..
John Birckhead they didn’t arrest him. Brought him in just for questioning. But anyway a bunch of bull. Like others had said. Get Obama removed he us putting citizen against citizen n black n whites against each other. NEED TO STOP
He said cops had to die and militias are in place…he is threatening terror because of what he believes, how can you not see that