Steve Roberts from Santee, CA has been told by apartment managers that he can’t fly his American flag inside his apartment and refuses to renew his lease until he takes it down.
Even though flying the flag abides by the rules set forth in his lease and even though he even obtained permission beforehand, it seems that when new management took over their district office demanded the flag be removed.
This is the 3rd such case we’ve seen recently where our American Flag is somehow deemed ‘offensive’. One case where a man was fined $8000 dollars for havingĀ a tiny flag out of his flowerpot, another where students couldn’t fly our flag on Cinco de Mayo, and yet another where a man was told he couldn’t fly the flag as it might offend Muslims.
I’ll never understand how displaying the flag of your country, WITHIN your own country, could ever be an issue in any capacity.
It is unfair for Americans to be treated in such manner. I would not live where my American Flag is not wanted. It must be non Americans behind such an attack on Americans. We will not stand for it. For in God we Trust and Americans are God ABBA believing Nation.
HELL it offend AMERICAS because they can’t fly the dame FLAG !! The hell with all muslims.. This our dame country not theres.
Probably foreign owners !!!!!
I would post a pic of the apt managers notice concerning this, making sure it had their names address and phone number. That way anyone who objected could notify them personal.
The left are getting bolder in their hatred for America.
go for it Steve- then sue their ass off!
So what country is your landlord from? I know where to put your flag pole and your landlord has the stand for you? lol.
If you don’t love this country…get out we don’t need you and you won’t be missed. But if you love this country stand up and take out the trash, it is starting to stink around here.
this is sooo wrong ………..he is not breaking any laws so whats the problem ? This Is America ? RIGHT? How can anyone go into your home and demand you take your flag down ? Unreal……..DON”T DO IT……….I would move …..and tell them to kiss my American Ass…….