Steve Roberts from Santee, CA has been told by apartment managers that he can’t fly his American flag inside his apartment and refuses to renew his lease until he takes it down.
Even though flying the flag abides by the rules set forth in his lease and even though he even obtained permission beforehand, it seems that when new management took over their district office demanded the flag be removed.
This is the 3rd such case we’ve seen recently where our American Flag is somehow deemed ‘offensive’. One case where a man was fined $8000 dollars for havingĀ a tiny flag out of his flowerpot, another where students couldn’t fly our flag on Cinco de Mayo, and yet another where a man was told he couldn’t fly the flag as it might offend Muslims.
My bet , its owned by a sand monkey with money we the tax payer loaned them @ 1% interest. Money a white born in America business owner can’t get there hands on. dirty SOB’s anyway.
We need the names of all these Apartments & Locations posted on the internet so everyone can know which ones they are, so they have a choice BEFORE they rent from them….Wonder how they would like EMPTY units??? That’s the American Way….
Horse S#$%!
Now they telling us what we can have in own apartment?Whoever is offended, are the ones that should go!
This is bull$#%&!@*!,!
They are coming over here buying all the stores an hotels with money from our government but they can’t stand our country an its people! They should keep there ass over there an kill each other an take oboma with them!! I say fly that flag $#%&!@* them make them throw u out!
this is getting crazy so then when is it ok to display a flag this is almost becoming communist like.
If they don’t like to see OUR Flag let them go where they won’t have any rights, and this goes not just for those who came here from other nation, but for misguided Americans who seem to have lost their love for this great country!.
We are the Land of the Free and the home of the Brave. What the hell is going on in this country? That’s what we get for letting so many bad immigrants come into this country. Once they get in, they decide that they’re going to change our laws. The Immigration laws we have now are NOT strong enough to keep the immigrant trash out of here.
this is our country,who cares if it upsets other people,tell them to go back where they came from,we don’t want them anyway,they came over here to try to tell us how to run our homes