Another liberal talking point regarding gun control has been graphically exposed for the totally baseless drivel it is.
Every time a shooting occurs, progressives take to wherever they can be heard to lecture Americans about their “inaction” and how the perpetrator could have been stopped if there were just more laws against gun ownership. Of course, this ignores that a litany of laws, many of which are of dubious constitutionality, already exist regulating the possession and usage of firearms. For an example of such a law, just walk down to your local school or bar – chances are that there’s a big, highly-visible sign that says guns are not allowed on the premises, and even if there’s not, it’s almost definitely understood that bringing firearms within the vicinity is illegal.
But such a sign did nothing to keep one Darnell Hall from shooting a 60 year old man who committed the horrific offense of saying Donald Trump would be a good president.
Learn more about this shocking incident on the next page:
Another liberal proving how dangerous they really are
Really? The criminal didn’t obey the posted sign? Imagine that. A criminal not obeying a LAW. SMH
Really? When he went in and nobody else had a weapon, he was supposed to drop his weapon and just walk away.
Republican businessman Donald J Trump wants to be President, yet he’s considered unqualified to be Commander-in-Chief by 50 leading Republicans.
He wants to be President, considered to not have Presidential temperament.
Wants to be President, U.S. Secret Service met with Trump after inappropriate 2nd Amendment comment against Hillary.
Wants to be President, lies 75% of the time.
Wants to be President, stated President Obama founded ISIS, ISIS formed 1999 prior to President Obama’s 2008 election.
Wants to be President, states Hillary’s leaked emails caused Iranian scientists August 2016 death, in 2010 the scientist publicly outed himself, Hillary left Secretary of State position February 2013.
Wants to be President, stated Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered, at 79 Scalia died of natural causes.
Wants to be President, supported by North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.
Wants to be President, considers his own wealth his strength, condemns Hillary’s wealth as nefarious.
Wants to be President, Trump factories ship work overseas.
Wants to be President, promises to bring American jobs back from China, wears Trump ties made in China.
Wants to be President, stated U.S. will not defend NATO allies against Russia.
Wants to be President, supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Wants to be President, said Indiana born judge was Mexican, the judge was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrants.
Wants to be President, stated he won’t just kill terrorists he’ll kill their families.
Wants to be President, demands Hilary’s emails & speech transcripts, Obama’s birth certificate & college transcripts, Romney’s tax returns, Trump refuses to show taxes or release private information.
Wants to be President, says Melania has 4 year Architecture degree but won’t release college transcripts.
Wants to be President, invited Russian espionage to find Hillary’s emails.
Wants to be President, calls Hillary Clinton names.
Wants to be President, dodged Vietnam military draft.
Wants to be President, had 5 babies by 3 baby mamas.
Wants to be President, currently married to 3rd wife.
Wants to be President, had multiple affairs and divorces.
Wants to be President, calls women vulgar names.
Wants to be President, criticized Republican political adversary Carly Fiorina’s face.
Wants to be President, stated women ooze blood.
Wants to be President, says women should be punished for having abortions.
Wants to be President, current wife potential First Lady Melania Trump posed completely nude.
Wants to be President, said if Ivanka wasn’t daughter, he’d date her.
Wants to be President, calls adversaries childish names.
Wants to be President, states he’ll build Mexico financed wall, never gives details.
Wants to be President, says he’ll build beautiful Mexican wall to keep out illegals, hires illegals.
Wants to be President, called crazed Reagan shooter John Hinckley, David Hinckley.
Wants to be President, gives no specific answers to questions.
Wants to be President, flip flops on issues each minute.
Wants to be President, called former Virginia Governor, Vice Presidential candidate Senator Tim Kaine, New Jersey’s Governor.
Wants to be President, created Trump University Ponzi scheme.
Wants to be President, filed bankruptcies to avoid paying employees.
Wants to be President, mocked handicapped reporter.
Wants to be President, called Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers.
Wants to be President, has sacrificed nothing, and no one.
Wants to be President, bilked working class Americans out of millions.
Wants to be President, says world needs more nuclear countries.
Wants to be President, attacked grieving parents of Captain Khan who died defending America.
Wants to be President, says Vietnam veteran John McCain is, “…a war hero because he was captured, I like people who weren’t captured.”
Wants to be President, throws Twitter temper tantrums.
Wants to be President, yelled at crying Trump rally toddler.
Wants to be President, begrudgingly endorsed fellow Republican party leaders Paul Ryan and John McCain.
Wants to be President and leader of free world, gets along with no one.
Wants to be President, criticizes illegal immigrants, wife Melania is illegal immigrant.
Wants to be President, personally insulted every adversarial Democratic and Republican Presidential candidate.
Wants to be President, stated he saw $400 million Iranian money drop video, no such video exists.
Wants to be President but lies about his crowd size like it has to do with his hand size.
Wants to be President but went to Louisiana to hand out play-doh and sign autographs.
Wants to be President but is in debt to China and Goldman Sachs for $650 million
Wants to be President and tells the Blacks and Hispanics that their kids live in horrible neighborhoods, go to horrible schools and could get shot just walking down the street.
Wants to be President and says he knows more about Isis then the Generals do.
Wants to be President and says he will deport all illegal immigrants on day one of office, yet his plan sounds exactly like Obama’s deportation plan.
Wants to be President and claims he saw thousands of Muslims cheering on 9/11.
Wants to be President and says he loves the uneducated.
Wants to be President and his campaign rent at Trump Tower has suddenly quintupled since May.
Wants to be President and made fun of a handicapped journalist.
Wants to be President and took a Purple Heart from a veteran and said he always wanted one.
Wants to be President and was sued in the 70’s for placing a “C” on all potential renters applications for his apartments. The “C” stood for colored.
Wants to be President, Trump has two squirrels living in his hair. I know, I’ve seen their tails
That can’t happen there was a sign
The absurdities of gunners continue
But the sign said he couldn’t do that, makes no sense… boycott gun free zones, stay where your safe.
A unstable Hillary supporter shoots a Trump supporter media silent who would have guessed