Another liberal talking point regarding gun control has been graphically exposed for the totally baseless drivel it is.
Every time a shooting occurs, progressives take to wherever they can be heard to lecture Americans about their “inaction” and how the perpetrator could have been stopped if there were just more laws against gun ownership. Of course, this ignores that a litany of laws, many of which are of dubious constitutionality, already exist regulating the possession and usage of firearms. For an example of such a law, just walk down to your local school or bar – chances are that there’s a big, highly-visible sign that says guns are not allowed on the premises, and even if there’s not, it’s almost definitely understood that bringing firearms within the vicinity is illegal.
But such a sign did nothing to keep one Darnell Hall from shooting a 60 year old man who committed the horrific offense of saying Donald Trump would be a good president.
Learn more about this shocking incident on the next page:
Oh pleaseeee, if a person wants to shoot or carry a gun he/she isn’t going to care if a place is a gun-free zone.
you can’t ignore a no gun sign!!! What are we supposed to do now? If fucking signs can’t protect us what will.
Gosh, I bet he feels bad…..
if you have a gun, , the safest place to be is in a gun free zone
Un freaking believable that someone would ignore a NO GUN SIGN ! Criminals and mass murderers do it all the time. In fact they usually shoot people in gun free zones because no one there would be able to defend themselves and shoot back and possibly injure or kill the shooter.
Gun control at work lol
Another heinous violent act of liberalism.
Amazing! Go figure!
Liberalism is based on the concept of a drone society where everyone does as they are told by the so-called self designated elite when in actuality nobody gives a rats$#%&!@*about the so-called self designated elite but the sociopathic narcissistic so-called self designated elite.
He should get the death penalty for not obeying the sign ! After it was put there for a reason !