Upon seeing her unconscious husband, Amanda was horrified to see dental staff shooting icing into his mouth as blood poured from his toothless mouth and entirely covered his shirt. Perhaps this was what necessitated the removal of Grigsby’s clothes, but it certainly wasn’t what he signed on for, as he will likely make clear in the lawsuit he intends to pursue against Dr. Strickland:
“Grigsby says he is still in pain and is on oxygen because of blood clotting.
‘That’s like going in and having something a simple carpel tunnel surgery, and you wake up with no arm,’ he told The Indianapolis Star. ‘You know, you wasn’t prepared for that.’
Doctor Aaron Strickland, the accused dentist, said he cannot address the specific allegations because privacy laws prevent him from talking publicly about a patient without express written consent. He defended himself in a statement:
‘I assure you that every patient and/or legal guardian has the treatment explained to them thoroughly, and all the proper consent forms are signed prior to any treatment being performed on any patient at White River Dental. I, as well as all of our well trained staff, strive in every situation to make sure the patient and/or legal guardian understands all issues that may arise prior to accepting the treatment plan, as well as making sure they understand our due diligence in securing positive final results.'”
Source: Daily Caller
Mmm, that’s kinda sexy, lips &:tongues
Beauty over the ugly witch.
Forgot to mention a sore ass
The only thing I hate on earth is a dentist
You already ran the story please don’t keep repeating the same stories over and over again !!!
Jake Morris did it happen to u