At the end of 2013 a man from Lovech, Bulgaria could not afford to pay the mortgage for his house, so he demolished it and dropped it right in front of his bank.
The land was not owned by the bank, just the house, so the family destroyed it, and, using his last penny, loaded it on a big truck and moved to the main entrance of the central district office of the bank in the city of Teteven, where the contract for the mortgage was signed.
also have you nothey never ask people who they vote for between Paul and the other candidates… media bias
Samuel Johnson I see your point of view and almost agree with you. Did you know Rand Paul stopped a bill to put all members of Congress and the Senate to go on obamacare? He didn’t want to have to abide by obamacare so he nixed the bill. Do you really want him as president?
And all the people who voted for a slick talking Oblameya aren’t sheeple?..he talked a good game when he had one can discount he reads a teleprompter very well..Trump might be the only candidate that speaks on the fly, is not politically correct, is no career politician(ie.. liar)…that’s what people are responding to…every career politician has flip flopped on issues and some even on their party..if we all cared as much and did our homework on these people, as we say we do by arguing in social media, more than half of these jokers would be out of a job…the problem with our govt is the American people are apathetic…lazy…
Way to go
To many of these estb. That foreclose because the person got laid off and tried to get you to let them pay what they could til they get back on rhe feet……this guy did what a lot of people thought about…..its not about right or wrong…but human decentecy……most people will try to pay their bills if you are willing to work with them.
Love it
Katie Quilici I would take Rand Paul over all the candidates but I guess if he didn’t make the nomination, which I think he won’t because no one wants a libertarian as president, then the next best, and I use that term loosely, would be Trump and then Cruz …
where did he get the money to do that? very expensive.
Samuel Johnson again I agree with you!