The effect that violent films have on real people is often grossly exaggerated by both the media and those who work in the mental health profession. This is because so-called “professionals” are quick to blame to everything but the people responsible. However, every once in a while they tend to be right.
Look at recent events in New Jersey, where two daycare workers staged a fight club between children and put it on the Internet. Something similar happened in Maryland on Wednesday, where a 20 year old male was thrown in jail for threatening to purge all white people from the city of La Plata.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
Look at those D.S.L.’s !
He will have fun in prison.
Soon as they knock out all His front teeth . . .
Yes James, BLM is a racist movement.
Keep catching there sick…LOST people.
When your ready bring it because my heat will be ready
How can these people still be so uneducated?
This black POS needs a few days in a cell with Bubba! Then it will be yezsir, nozsir, boss!
Why hate us??? It’s you who are killing each other…
he won’t have a chance….
This is your Hope and Change