The effect that violent films have on real people is often grossly exaggerated by both the media and those who work in the mental health profession. This is because so-called “professionals” are quick to blame to everything but the people responsible. However, every once in a while they tend to be right.
Look at recent events in New Jersey, where two daycare workers staged a fight club between children and put it on the Internet. Something similar happened in Maryland on Wednesday, where a 20 year old male was thrown in jail for threatening to purge all white people from the city of La Plata.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
Arrest hell, they shouldn’t make it to the jail
Got dem baboon lips
Cage him up
White lives matter too
Old lady you tell em
Congratulation Rich Schaff. You’ve been elected P***K OF THE WEEK.
So sad.
You are a sick mother F er & God have mercy, because i won”t.
Put this monkey back in his cage where he belongs!!!
need to lock this fool up and keep him down for hes not safe around people white.