Of all of the weapons that ISIS has used against the innocent, political correctness is by far the most effective in their arsenal.
Look at all of the recent attacks by ISIS in America. Did President Obama and his liberal punch-drinkers equate any of it to Islamic extremism? No, they didn’t. They hardly even acknowledged it as the work of terrorists. Instead, once again, they blamed it on guns and went after the American right to bear arms. Now they’re trying to cripple the right of people to defend themselves against future attacks.
And in places like the United Kingdom, where people aren’t even allowed to own guns, without out jumping through endless hoops, they’re taking away people’s rights to even speak out against ISIS. Apparently holding up a flag that says “f**k ISIS” is prejudiced against Muslims. I thought ISIS wasn’t Islamic?
Uh oh . . . did we just catch liberals in their own contradictions?
The man being charged for “inciting hatred” isn’t going to take this lying down.
Nice sign
In Obummers administration free speech does not apply to anyone who disagrees with his views
Why hasn’t Soros been charged with hate speech and inciting to riot?
I think muslims incite hatred on themselves! No matter what their race happens to be.
This is an attack on freedom of speech. He is allowed to hate and he is allowed to say he does. I see nothing on that sign that is inciting anyone. Who came up with an asinine charge like hate speech, it is stupid is not enforced when hate speech is against whites or police…
Just think, one day we will be all muslims which our government wants. The muslims can do and say what they want and no problem, but we can’t say what is on our minds. Where did our freedom of speech go? Remember this when you vote or asked to send money for a political candidate!
I hate them two
Liberals and Democrats are complete idiots. They’ve spent their entire lives destroying society and blaming everyone but themselves for the evilness they’ve generated.
its a cult! not a race!!