To most people, bacon is a savory delicacy and a reason to get up in the morning. But to some, being confronted by bacon is akin to assault. This week, a Swedish man learned that the hard way.
Despite it’s near-universal acclaim, bacon has been the source of several conflicts and controversies for quite some time.
Radical Muslim activists have been waging war against the food for years. Apparently, because their religion prevents them from partaking in the delicacy, they think that no one should be able to indulge. They’ve already gotten ham pulled from Subway and banned the food in parts Germany. And just a few months ago, a man who left bacon near a mosque was found dead.
Now, even western courts are giving in to the lunacy.
Read about how one Swedish man’s bacon has him fighting off assault allegations on the next page:
Yes he deserved it for not obeyingJesus teaching NOT TO EAT PORK, FILTHY Beast. He was intentionally provoking and disturbed the female Muslims. He deserved it…
Yes you can, and you’re welcome to Libya,Iraq and Syria with all the pigs you have but pls come personally there…
Oh please grow up grow a ser
This is bull$#%&!@*
These clowns eat goats and won’t eat a pig?
Got to be B******t !!!
Bullets would be better
I bet 99% of the people commenting here never researched the actual story instead of just reading the headline. The guy was following the women around on a train while shoving bacon in their face and saying racially motivated comments. What kind of adult would do that to people they don’t know. He didn’t get in trouble for simply sitting there minding his own business while eating some bacon. Plus, who in their right mind eats food on accident train?
Screw you