A Sacramento County sheriff’s deputy is on paid leave after a video surfaced showing him stomping on a man’s head, then using his foot to keep the man’s head pinned against the ground.
This was after the cop pepper sprayed him in the face and tasered him.
The man, 51-year-old John Madison Reyes, states the incident started when he asked the cop to move his patrol car that was blocking the road.
you thank
tx Helen, as a veteran im enbarassed by this coward prez, its very disheartening to have a prez who will actually allow 5 million illegals to deplete our system before even spending money on helping our hoeless, and our vets as homeless, it makes no sense at all…
Oh Rob you do need professional help. You can’t come up with any response other then try and belittle me. You are what’s wrong with the world. You poor poor little sap
He needs to be fired.
Next time say please
You have got to wonder?
Sorry folks that is excessive force no need for all that and it’s cops like this that give cops in general a bad name.
It is the people who are over reaching and being down right destructive and looting robbing and even murdering with hammers and guns and knives and burning property.These are the ones in the wrong, not the police.They are reacting to these thugs disrespect for the law and other peoples property and lives.Don’t hang it on the cops.
Akhlaq, You’d better tell your Muslim buddies to watch out for The Day of Judgment! Y’all better worry about THOU SHALT NOT KILL! THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY! THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIGHBOR’S WIFE OR PROPERTY! I believe a lot of your buddies will be in HELL with your leaders! I don’t follow your “Holy Quran”, I follow the Bible!