No one enjoys being offended. And everyone at some time or another has offended someone else. Polite society suggests that we should avoid offending others with our speech or actions if at all possible, and that seems reasonable. But there are those who would require – no, insist – that we do not offend others.
Offense is often in the eye of the beholder or the ear of the hearer, and the problem is determining who is qualified to be the arbiter of offensive speech. There are lots of folks who can be offended over nothing. And why should someone else’s desire to not be offended supersede my desire to express my feelings? What if what I say is offensive but true?
The logical conundrum spins round and round, and yet that is what the purveyors of political correctness are promoting, and they are using the force of law to make sure that freedom of speech is stifled in the name of making sure no one is ever offended.
Man arrested for offensive Facebook posts, page 2:
ILLEGAL arrest
islam is under Gods judgement and if you do not repent and turn for your ways of murder, rape and distrespect for women then you will spend eternity in the lake of fire with the false prophet muhammoud and the false god allah. You have the choice of life or death. To choose life you need to confess that Jesus is the son of God and follow His path to the kingdom of God to choose death stay as you are . Choose wisely.
This a free country you can said what the HELL you want
Guess going anywhere in Europe is out.
F**k the goat fuckers. …
What happened to the 1st amendment? Everyone every where has the right to his or her opinion and the right to express it.
If THIS is true = its a False Arrest
Well, any respect I had for the country of Scotland just went to hell (along with its muslim manipulators).What is happening to the celtic nations??!!Where, o’ where have their intellects gone??!!!
Meanwhile, the migrants can rape and murder….