Man Arrested For Making Anti-migrant Posts on Social Media

Offensive posts lands man in jail

A man in Scotland posted what was judged to be a series of offensive posts about Syrian refugees on his Facebook account. Given the recent Islamic terrorist in France, it is altogether understandable that a mass incursion of Middle Easterners into Europe would be of concern, and so the man laid out his views in the public forum. There is surely a valid reason for concern.

Following a report of a series of alleged offensive online posts relating to Syrian refugees living in Rothesay on Bute, Police Scotland confirmed on Tuesday that a 40-year-old man, understood to be from the Inverclyde area, had been arrested under the Communications Act.

Following the arrest, Insp Ewan Wilson from Dunoon police office said: “I hope that the arrest of this individual sends a clear message that Police Scotland will not tolerate any form of activity which could incite hatred and provoke offensive comments on social media.”

Soon after the arrival of the first Syrian refugees to Scotland last November, the SNP MP Mhairi Black criticised the “ignorant bile and thinly veiled racism that she encountered online, which linked the refugees to the recent terrorist attacks in Paris.The day before the first arrivals touched down at Glasgow airport, Humza Yousaf, the chair of the refugee taskforce that has coordinated the resettlement programme, and the Scottish government’s only Muslim minister, confirmed he had informed police of the Islamophobic abuse he received on social media.

Citizens of Scotland are welcome to provide a hand of fellowship and welcome to newcomers, regardless of where they hail from. But it is chilling to think that someone can be incarcerated for expressing an opinion about the immigrants, especially since little is known about them. It is hard to understand why the mental and emotional comfort of the newcomers trumps the fears and feelings of local residents.

Controlling speech is one of the indispensable mechanisms of oppression of tyrants and frauds.

Photo: dun_deagh



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