Panic has swept the nation, disrupting the lives of Americans as they seek to go about their business this holiday season.
Forcing thousands of shoppers to vacate malls in at least three states, security personnel been working to investigate and prevent possible terrorist acts. This news is most unwelcome for many Americans who seek to do last minute shopping before Christmas arrives.
In at least one instance, an empty suitcase was recovered by authorities, with the object apparently being abandoned by the owner and causing as many as 500 people to flee the Largo, Florida mall from which it was placed. It was only due to the watchful eye of a firefighter, who noticed the stray suitcase in a shopping cart, that the item was safely disposed of.
Thankfully, no one was hurt, although it did inconvenience the dozens of shoppers forced to leave the premises.
Learn about more mall scares on the next page:
This is how you ruin an economy: scare everyone so much that they stop shopping, stop talking face to face, and stop engaging in the community. Closing everything under threat of possible terrorism is a win for the terrorists.
Keeping people in the state of fear is terror.
I could TOTALLY imagine that happening.
Haven’t heard a thing about this. If something happens, I want you to call all of the open borders crowd members and amnesty people in our congress and let them know their policies are responsible and they have blood on their hands.
Such a chaotic period in the American MODERN history.
Well…at this moment, all of Los Angeles Unified School District is closed….due to a credibke threat of a terrorist attack. Of course they don’t say if it is actually a true threat….but if they are that afraid….to close the entire LA school system down….is this going to be our children’s lives in the US?!? What has This Administration done to keep our children safe!!!!??? Who knows. ..maybe it won’t be the radicals, but one stupid white person? It is a direct threat against students. What is this country coming to.?
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Columbia, Lebanon, and a few other places they tried to buy trackphones, lots of them.
6 malls in the St. Louis region. If there is an attack, it’s an inside job from a worker. Only one that has access to behind the scenes and corodorrs.
Bring more muslims in and that will fix everything says the crazies.