Another mother quoted by the Herald said that her daughter begged her to be allowed to stay home from school after she was “slapped after she and a classmate disagreed in the schoolyard.” Again the school took no action, not even bothering to call the mother.
The school simply ignored the incidents, even though there were assaults on girls on three separate occasions. What did the newspaper do? It first edited the article on its website to remove the “Muslims rule the world” quote. But that did not satisfy the politically correct police so the story was deleted.
The fact that the headline may have caused offense to an “identifiable cultural group” was also described as “problematic” by the newspaper, which also lamented the fact that news outlets critical of Islam had shared the story.
The Chronicle Herald is the highest circulation newspaper in the Atlantic Provinces and is the largest independently owned newspaper company in Canada. The fact that the story was removed from the Internet after being published in the physical newspaper attests to the complete cowardice of the Chronicle Herald in bowing to public pressure from perpetually outraged social justice mobs. Because the story completely demolished the leftist narrative about the wave of “refugees” now arriving in the west, it was censored.
“What they’re really saying is – we accidentally told the truth, we’ll work harder to prevent that happening in the future,” wrote the BlazingCatFur blog.
Source: inforwars
Who is the Muslim leader?