On every facet, the Obama Administration socialist social agenda is chipping away at our nation. The streets of Ferguson and Baltimore are only the beginnings of racial tension. The new global trade agreement strips the country of its sovereignty. Obamacare was 20 new taxes in disguise and a massive takeover of the medical industry. Tens of thousands of Islamic invaders are about to swarm into our country. And those are the highlights. Cautions come on the next page:
Lock and load !!!!! I have no problem defending our Constitution and Country !!!! Bring it on Obama……….
Obama is killing the military from within. That is what this is about.
The pentagon recommends closing hundred of instillations but congress won’t let them because there district would lose money.
These bills are Public Record!! Learn how to look them up! So NO politician can LIE to U…..
duh…ggzzzzz are you people slow!……..
The sooner the better!!!
Tim I have they were attached to another bill. I watch what happens to the military very closely. You don’t mention that Obama has vetoed two pay raises for the military. You don’t mention that Tri-Care is worse off. You don’t mention downsizing to pre W. W. II. You don’t mention that Commissary’s will be taken away in the near future. I can go on and on.
He’s poison
i think the obamas should be lead outta the white house ..by the same ropes they tortured our USA Retired navy/ Brown water navy because one is my brother who i thank///////