Major General Warns: Obama Is Destroying The Military From Within, “It’s not an accident”

Refusal of a wedding cakes and photographers results in fines and court fees and bankruptcy. It is not tolerance…it must be full and complete endorsement of the homosexual community…and the transgender community…and whatever else is being rammed through.

Have you seen the hollowed out military? President Obama’s social experiments are gutting and degrading a readiness of our forces to defend the country.

During a panel at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, Army Maj. Gen. Robert Dees said the Obama Administration is using the military for “social engineering”. The end result could have catastrophic consequences. Clinton turned them into a Meals on Wheels for Somalia, so why not transform our fighting force into hollowed out shell?

Since Obama was first elected to office, restrictions have been lifted on women in combat, lowering the standards to accommodate. Homosexuals now serve openly. There’s an effort currently underway to remove a ban and encourage transgender soldiers. And the president announced on Friday the nomination of Army Acting Under Secretary Eric Fanning as the first openly gay secretary of the Army.

Obama is paring down on hardware, ordering the selloff of all F-16 fighter jets to whomever wants to buy them…ISIS maybe? He is paring down the navy; a smaller fleet numerically than we had in pre-WWII. New weapons systems are cancelled. Existing weapons systems are being shut down and removed. “I think the moral readiness of our forces is even more important than the physical readiness, which is very low,” Dees told CNS News. “The moral readiness is degraded by social experimentation within our military.”

As for experimentation, Dees said the military didn’t have much choice in the matter.

“In fact, social experimentation is improperly named because it’s not an experiment at all,” he said. “It’s a top-driven mandate for social agendas that occurs by this administration within the military, which is a captive audience.”

“It is not enhancing our readiness; it declines our readiness,” he added.

Source: Bizpacreview

With the world rapidly going to Hell in a hand basket we are no longer prepared to assist because the biggest threat America poses at the moment is to itself. We have met the enemy and he is Obama.



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