The best kept secret of politics today is that it’s liberals, not conservatives, who are racist, but it won’t be such a secret after today.
Of course, it’s always been a matter of historical record that it was the Democrats who supported not just slavery but segregation as well. In fact, they were so opposed to civil rights that they formed the Ku Klux Klan after the Civil War (remember Robert Byrd? It’s no coincidence that he was a KKK Grand Wizard you know!)
But instead of owning up to their past misdeeds, Democrats peddle the fiction of a “reset” that saw the racists in their party migrate to the GOP, allowing them to become a kinder, more tolerant organization. This narrative unravels, however, when one hears what one of the party’s biggest donors had to say about African-Americans who don’t vote the way he wants them to.
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No he is
Why wouldn’t they want to vote for democrats? I mean, all dems did was fought bled and died for the right to own blacks and then formed the KKK to keep blacks “in line” after the republicans freed them from the democrats.
The vast majority of real racists I know/have known have all been Dem’s.
Democrats are all about power. Lowering expectations for people particularly minorities and rewarding them with public assistance to ensure no upward mobility to this targeted demographic. It does guarantee a vote for the democrat. This has been happening for decades. Gang violence and drugs are the democrats job security and also population control of the inner cities. Stop Hillary.
Just type in Hillary Clinton child rape youtube. Com. I guaranty you be voting Donald Trump after watching this how Hillary raped this twelve year old little girl and tafficing cocaine drugs
I consider African-Americans equal to me! I have no reason to think otherwise!
Only the ones that don’t suffer effects from drinking too much koolaid.
I’ll bet he doesn’t mind the blacks giving Hillary their vote though !!! Insult them on one hand and ask for their vote on the other !!! Blacks are starting to wake up they are starting to realize that they’re being used and abused by the liberal democratic leftists !!!
The black community needs to get out on November 8 Tuesday and vote for Donald Trump if you want to better American for the black community !!!
He should speak for his self
You are right….almost like FB is being paid off by the government just like ALL media. …..this is why I DON’T VOTE…..screw em….the electoral college makes the final decision anyway. …so I don’t see the democracy. …..its all just to fool the public into thinking it has control and to prevent the people overthrowing the government. ….TOTAL BS