Major Church: All Whites are Racist ‘no matter what’

The left often admonishes people for the act of “shaming.”  There is slut shaming, fat shaming, and ugly shaming –none of which are acceptable to lefties.  It seems that the one and only form of shaming permitted is to shame people for their perceived white privilege.  So, to recap: criticizing people for irresponsible or unhealthy actions and behaviors is not okay.  Attacking white people because they may have had ancestors 200 years ago who owned slaves: perfectly fine.

Now, a major church is joining in on the debate:

The United Church of Christ (UCC), a major mainline Protestant denomination, published a Facebook post telling all whites that they are racist against non-whites, no matter what they do.

An infographic posted to the church’s Facebook page over the weekend gives white people a series of 10 tips on how to cope with their white privilege. Suggestions include “Listen when people call you on your microaggressions” and “Stop contributing to gentrification.”

But the tenth suggestion is the most notable one, telling white readers to “Recognize that you’re still racist. No matter what.”

The content of the infographic is taken from a June 1 blog post by Marchaé Grair, a social media associate for the UCC and an editor of the church’s New Sacred blog. In the blog post, Grair elaborates on the claim that whites are racist no matter what.

“White people always benefit from institutionalized racism, no matter how anti-racist your ideologies may be,” Grair says. “You can’t disconnect yourself completely from the racism from which you benefit, and recognizing that is a large step in rejecting white privilege.”

It appears that the left’s talking points on whites being the root of all problems are taking hold — at least in some circles.

Source: The Daily Caller



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