Maine began enforcing a new requirement for food stamp recipients: work for your food or your free food will be taken away.
Since Republican Gov. Paul LePage’s administration began enforcing the new work and volunteer requirements late last year, about 9,000 non-disabled residents have been removed from the program.
See Page 2 For Rest Of Story:
It’s about time some of the druggies got kicked off welfare. They want $15 an hour, but less hours so they can stay on welfare……doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, except they are a bunch of merlingerers and cheats.
I have a couple words for you Todd your an idiot
Thank you for helping me win 20 bucks. We made bets on which state would give the first response. Not only did I say Texas for 10 bucks but I doubled it by guessing which city. Hell yes Mr. Dallas!
back in 60`s you had to hold at least a part time job to get help.It worked
Or get a real job. I think they p$#%&!@*ed a law they had to work some in order to qualify.
I say we need to be doing this is all 52 states! It sure does speak loudly!
Prosecute them they make it bad for the people who deserve them!!
that’s awesome
I suspect that many are working under the table and not claiming those hours on tax forms or something to that nature…I know that many people who are working part time don’t report it because they lose their fs, other benefits and they really need the full amount. Again you get punished if you are working and trying to move up…I made $200 more for a couple of three months, docked by fs of 70+ each month and almost put me on the street because I needed the extra income to pay rent and had to go without much in my refrig which is why I stock up whenever possible with sales and coupons. I was not working for three months since school is only 9 months a year…they count the three months…you are suppose to check in every three months…yep, I can sure work and sit on the phone 4-6 hours a week trying to get the changes made…Even on line, they screw up and tell you to call…Some of those people might have been looking for work and either got a good job or moved in with someone to share expenses…A lot of things happened…maybe they moved to another state…the assumption they just don’t want to work I doubt that many were sitting at home or on the street.