If you thought the culture wars couldn’t go further into a degrading sickness of the mind, and attempt to call abnormal- normal-think again. Many said when same sex marriage activists were promoting their agenda, that likewise arguments could be made in regards to “anything” goes sexually. For when you demean sexual intercourse into an act that is only for self gratification with no thought to it as an act with moral and ethical dimensions, it opens up a proverbial can of worms with a straight line to complete obscenities.
Can pedophilia become normalized?
wood chipper for chesters.
wtf….need to be exterminated like other vermin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Talk to the children that they took their inocentes away.
soon the homos and lesbos will want to mingle with children without any stigma . it’s their natural course . sick scumbags
They are disgusting. Kill em all-the pedophile’s!
Need a mental hospital.to keep them on lock up ,because they cant stop abusing …they were abused ….
If the right wing is concerned with pedifiles why do they support a family like the Duggars
Goodness, here we go!!
I’m understanding just fine, they’re criminals.