This year’s election has brought out the best in many celebrities, and by best I mean the pentacle of ignorance, stupidity and perverse tactics. This week Madonna promised oral sex to anybody who would vote for Hillary Clinton. While Madonna has made some pretty disgusting remarks before, this is probably the worst. Maybe twenty years ago, voters might have gone for that kind of thing, but what she did while opening for comedian Amy Schumer in New York might actually scare Hillary Clinton voters away. It’s like having sex with somebody’s grandmother because they were once featured in an issue of Playboy.
No thank you.
Madonna ain’t “Like a Virgin” anymore. The fact that she was an opening act for Amy Schumer, who isn’t very funny, shows just how far she’s fallen. And never mind the contradictions her offer presents. While Hillary Clinton claims to be fighting for women’s rights, Madonna is basically offering to whore herself, thus making Hillary her pimp.
Read her exact comments on the next page.
You just mad because he won’t let your illegal friends stay here anymore
I wonder why her son wants to live in England with Dad?
A real scank !
Madonna has been HEAD JACKED = Brain Washed, Indoctrinated, Duped, Tricked, Conned, Played, Bamboozled, Hoodwinked, Flim Flammed, Roped In, Shafted, Jerked Around, Defrauded, Cheated, Hornswaggled, Misled, Outwitted, Ripped Off and Rooked. In other words, her mind has been Hi-Jacked !!! Visit
Your a clueless person,Hillary would sell her daughter for a dollar if someone was dumb enough to pay that for her.Hillary hates America,she sells it out every chance she can,she’s a whore for Soros!
REGRESAR A MEXICO, PENDEJO, your illegal vote for the PUTA DE BENGHAZI doesn’t count!
You also get hiv as a parting gift
she can start with all the dead men voting democrat !
F**k her.what a tramp.