The idea of being anywhere near Madeleine Albright is a strong enough incentive to not heed her advice and join her in voting for Hillary Clinton. She certainly shares the same diabolical company as Hillary and it is no wonder she is campaigning strongly on her behalf.
During a Clinton campaign event, the first weekend of February, Albright said, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other… [some] don’t understand the importance of why young women have to support Hillary Clinton.”
There is a special place in hell indeed for Albright, who confessed during a 60 Minutes interview in 1996, as the Ambassador to the United Nations, that the killing of 500,000 Iraqi children was a worthwhile price to pay due to UN sanctions. It is no wonder she is stumping for Hillary, as both women have heinous records dealing with Middle East crisis.
Albright’s place in hell can be read about on page two.
Then i guess someone is saving you two a spot
Terrible thing to say and it is not funny! Democrats has so lost it and the loss is on We the American People and Our Familys. Vote Smart NO clinton 2016.
I would rather be in hell with my back broke than vote for killary clinton
10 QUESTIONS for HILLARY at the CNN Democratic Presidential Debate
(1). “When you left the White House after your husband’s last term as president, why did you steal $200,000.00 worth of furniture, china, and artwork? And why did you tell the public that you ‘returned it’ when you only brought back $27,000 of it?
(2). Mrs. Clinton, when you were Secretary of State, why did you solicit contributions from foreign governments, (muslim princes donated multi-millions and got favors in return) for the Clinton Foundation after you promised President Obama you would not?
(3). Mrs. Clinton, why do you and your husband claim to contribute millions of dollars to charity for a tax write off when it goes directly into your Clinton Foundation which only gives out 10% of the funds to charitable purposes and you pocket the balance to support yourself tax free? What does your daughter Chelsea do there for over 3 million dollar yearly salary? I guess that’s how she could afford her new $11 million dollar condo in New York. To think that you guys were broke a few short years ago.
(4). Mrs. Clinton, why are you unable to account for 6 billion dollars of State department funds that seem to have disappeared while you were Secretary of State?
(5). Mrs. Clinton why did you say you were broke when you left the White House, but purchased a 5 million home, built an addition for the secret service, and charge the tax payers of the United States $15,000.00 a month for their rent, an amount that pays your the entire mortgage?
(6). Mrs. Clinton why did you lie to the American people about the terrorist attack in Benghazi, but managed to tell the truth to your daughter that same night it happened?
(7). Mrs Clinton were you and your husband disbarred from practicing law? Answer: In 1996, Landmark Legal Foundation filed a complaint asking the court to disbar Hillary Clinton for violating the Arkansas code of conduct, (which requires lawyers to act with honesty and integrity) for her actions in the Whitewater scandal cover up. Hillary’s law license was suspended in 2002 for failing to complete her continuing legal education requirements. Bill Clinton was convicted by a grand jury for perjury and obstruction of justice to which he was impeached by the House of Representatives and disbarred from practicing as an attorney. He has been accused by a dozens of women for rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment. He settled out of court for $850.000 in one case. Hillary has him out on her campaign trail championing for her theme of feminism and “women’s rights”. What a blasphemy. Neither one has enough integrity to hold onto a law license.
(8). Mrs Clinton, why did you say, “I do not recall,” “I have no recollection,” and “I don’t know” 56 times while testifying under oath during the Starr investigations.
•(9). Mrs Clinton, what Really happened to Ron Brown when he was about to testify against you and your husband?
(10). Mrs. Clinton what really happened to law partner Vince Foster? No way he committed suicide.
CNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, I know that the answers to any of these questions don’t matter to you, you would support her regardless of whether she was guilty of murder, embezzlement, money laundering, and I could go on and on. The Democrat’s and liberal’s moto is, “DON’T CONFUSE ME WITH THE FACTS – MY MIND IS MADE UP.”
This kind of c**p is why we need term limits!
yeah we are going to hell ok TRUMP 2016
Marlin Albright will burn in hell
Mad. Anderson hilly tight. They might have went to the same school
There is a special place in HELL for Hillary as well as Madeleine Albright. BUT NOT for women who don’t vote for Hillary, maybe for the ones who do vote for her !!!!!
She looks like hell, she will fit right in