Rachel Maddow really needs to keep her mouth shut when it comes to Donald Trump. The leftist MSNBC anchor is no longer just attacking the president — which she has the right to do — she’s making things up.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Maddow has become the mainstream media’s favorite purveyor of fake news. She’s lost so much credibility, factual reporting may no longer really matter to the MSNBC anchor.
Just one month ago, Maddow claimed she had a major scoop on Donald Trump’s taxes. After spending almost her entire show preaching to America, Maddow finally revealed that she had almost nothing. All her show obtained was a copy of Trump’s 2005 tax returns. Ironically, those tax returns showed that Trump had paid millions of dollars in taxes that year alone.
But the universal backlash Maddow received hasn’t stopped her from peddling more false and misleading stories about Trump. This week, she did it again by blaming Venezuela’s troubles on Trump.
you see that finger this libtard is pointing at ….blaming other people and forgets that there are three other fingers pointing at her………
I blame her for my diarrhea.
What a moron
This woman needs a padded cell
This stupid, stupid, brain-washed idiot…..I hope that she trips and breaks her DAMNED neck……just for being a traitorous, anti-American POS!
Don.t she blame on Trump she.s JuST that STUPID
If you listen to the radical liberal left…. President Trump is responsible for the ten plagues on Egypt.
It never ends folks.
What a SUB human being !
She must have been in total isolation the past several years to not know that Venezuela had problems at least the last 4 years of the Obama adm. and maybe all 8.