Barack Obama is probably the most partisan and biased president we have ever had. His every decision seems to be determined by political strategy and pitting one group against the other, promoting certain groups and depressing others. And in concert with that, he has chosen cabinet and department leaders with that same objective of destroying the Republican party and conservatives, and protecting and promoting chosen segments of society.
Who can forget Attorney General Eric Holder, determined to ignore Black Lives Matter law breakers and other groups who attacked police, and anxious to prosecute anyone who would object to the illegal and immoral dismantling of the immigration program by Obama in order to swell the ranks of Democratic voters?
Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who Obama picked to replace Holder, seems to be more reasonable than her predecessor, but it is a mistake to assume that she is not just as partisan and willing to push the Obama agenda of divisiveness and antagonism towards groups such as police departments she assumes are racist and biased against African Americans as a general policy.
More on Lynch, page 2
You are out when Obama leaves ,,, bye bye
So that means when the radical Muslims attack us in the future, and we defend ourselves, we will be arrested for a “hate crime”.
Arm up America, remove your trigger guards and load em up. Prepare to protect your loved ones and yourselves.
It’s doubtful that the insanity has persuaded America. I have confidence in the American people. I believe America realizes what a mistake has been made in electing Obama. Hillary is the mirror image of Obama in political insanity. I seriously doubt she will ever be President of The United States of America. Anti-Americans gotta go. Remember America, it is un American to either employ or befriend an Anti-American. What is it you don’t understand? America, are you going to hire another Anti-American President?
cruz will take care of you
Not after all you Muslim leaches are fired and or jailed
got news for you it aint gonna happen
Stop her