Lynch Determined to Push Obama Agenda
Lynch said she plans to prosecute gun sellers under Obama’s new executive orders, in spite of the fact that they may be illegal, and are certainly designed to circumvent Congress’ responsibility to make the laws. As she said;
“My goal is to position the [Department of Justice] where it will carry on in all of these issues long after myself and my team have moved on.”
Lynch has opened and supported federal cases against the Baltimore Police Department over the death of Freddie Gray, a young felon and African American who apparently died in the back of a police wagon when he fell while being transported.
There was no overt violence or intent exhibited by police against Gray, and to all but the most virulent Black Lives Matter advocates, his death was simply an accident. The only reason for the prosecution of the police officers who put him in the back of the paddy wagon and drove him to the jail is that he is black, and Lynch is making a statement that blacks must receive preferential treatment when dealing with law enforcement officers.
Lynch has also threatened to prosecute those who use “anti-Muslim rhetoric [that] edges toward violence” and said that her “greatest fear” is the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric.” Only after conservative media outcry did Lynch back down, downgrading her comments to state that she would only prosecute “deeds, not words.” On that same score, Lynch refused to tell media after the San Bernardino terror attack whether the perpetrators were “radicalized.”
And, of course, Lynch has not yet launched an indictment of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, despite widespread evidence of lawbreaking that would have landed any other public figure at a defense table long ago.
It is beyond disturbing that the chief law enforcement officer of the United States is simply a partisan hack, and the abuse of the office by both Holder and Lynch has greatly diminished the respect that Americans have for the office, including the belief that it is the ultimate authority in upholding the law and ensuring that all citizens receive fair and equal treatment under the law.
Instead, Obama has infected the bureaucracy from top to bottom, and it is reflected in the very low opinion the American people have of government. Hope and change have yielded cynicism and distrust. Thank you Mr. President.
Cleanse the doj of all who work there send them a notice be law abiding and law enforcing or else and while we are at it imprison holder and his henchmen after the fact.
We have enough weapons and anger even if a dem gets in the whitehouse thay are just going to encourage us to start a civil war and with all the guns in republican hands its a war we win especially since 90% of the military is going to vote republican as usual. We just take all the socialist traitors and have them line up against a wall. Lol no more liberals to worry about. it just that easy.
Obama. Suggested. Empeachment of. Some. Justice. Members. We. Need. To make. It law. To. Do. Just. That. To. Those. Who. Impose. Their. Own. Views. Of. Our. A amendments. In. Constitution.