Louisiana Rep Captain Clay Higgins gave an impassioned call to Christians to not be naive and fight the takeover of radical Islamic terror. But, to many his message was borderline Christian jihad.
His comments followed the tragic attack in London Saturday. His comments are so appalling to liberals that many Democrats are calling for his resignation and possible arrest.
Most political scandals tend to involve illicit relations or money laundering. But, not Higgins. He is being attacked, and justifiably so, for advocating physically harming a certain religious-ethnic minority.
As the former Reserve Deputy Marshal of Lafayette, one would think Captain Higgins would have a more nuanced (PC) understanding of racial-ethnic relations. But, no he is a self-proclaimed realist and bold to the point of recklessness.
Captain Higgins arguably offers the most brutal opinion ever uttered by a politician on how to handle radical domestic Islamic terrorism.
More information and images available on Captain Higgins proposed plan for wiping out radical Muslim terror from U.S. soil
Sounds like a workable plan.
I like
This guy! He has the right idea
Works for me.
Does that include anti-Constitutional terrorists?
Amen we at war with them right ?
Let’s do it . !!!!!
I agree!!!!!!!!!
Before they get you! get Lawyers Judges on with following the law and wants of the citizens again.
Sorry, but that’s where I draw the line. Unless you (or someone near you) are in immediate danger of bodily injury or death in which case, at least in Texas, you are allowed to defend yourself, due process is required first. To deny it to others is to deny it to yourself. On the other hand, if you are in that danger, I say blast away.
Right On!