It so often seems that liberals in America play with a deck of cards in which every card is the race card. Although the left also enjoys playing the gender card, the religion card, or the [insert minority group here] card, the race card is by far their favorite.
The vast majority of the country hoped and believed that when Barack Obama was elected president in 2008 that the far left would finally be forced to give up on their race baiting ways. Instead, the left doubled down on their race card strategy. Unlike with President Clinton, they now had an easy out every time someone disagreed with the president.
Not satisfied to attack the living for their perceived racism, liberals have now attempted to rewrite history and portray the very founding of the United States as racially bigoted. To see why Louisiana State Rep. Barbara Norton (D) says that the Declaration of Independence itself is racist, continue reading on the next page:
Bet she never read the Declaration of independence maybe I should send her a copy.
Bless your heart but you are one stupid woman did you go to school to learn how to be stupid or does it just come naturally for you
It’s sad. The people who want to be in politics as sociopaths. The good people want nothing to do with that cesspool.
Is there any particular reason why these black women lawmakers are so God awful hideously ugly. That is just ridiculous. Most of these old bats have enough money to buy a whole brand new face but they must think they really look good.
What trash
Is this a man?
Sounds like she is the racist one and a worthless liberal democrat To boot!
These blacks need to be replaced with somebody that cares about this country rather than racisisum
Oh to black people everything is racist including black people. Gezzzzzz