When we fought World War II, Nazism was an ideology that spawned tremendous evil and suffering. But there was no doubt that the world had to defeat Germany in order to root out Nazism. Germany was the source, or the foundation upon which Nazism was built, and political correctness did not play a role to confuse the issue or our recognition of what had to be done to win against Nazism. Cause and effect was clearer then, and it helped the nation focus on the real objectives.
In the video on page 2 Lou Dobbs makes some excellent observations about President Obama and his efforts from the very start of his presidency to confuse terminology in order to shape the argument. In the first year of his presidency, he renamed President George W. Bush’s “War on Terror” to the “Overseas Contingency Operations.” He demanded government officials and even the media, which has been ever so compliant in all things Obama, to use verbiage that would completely disassociate acts of terrorism from Islam, or even radical Islam in spite of a very clear connection.
That may have been politically correct and made some people feel better, but the truth is that the vast majority of world terrorism has preceded from Islam, even if it is an aberration of traditional or formal Islam. To pretend that the massacre of 49 people in Orlando this past weekend was an act of “home-grown extremism” as Obama claimed, and to ignore the root of that extremism is to completely sever the connection of the terrorist act from what caused that act. The cause was a religious ideology subscribed to by not just one religious heretic or fanatic, but representative of hundreds of thousands of fanatics with differing backgrounds, home countries, and socioeconomic conditions, but with the same religious root… Islam.
Lou Dobbs nails the hypocrisy of Obama and Hillary Clinton in the video posted on page 2, and it is spot on. He also recognizes that Donald Trump is the one willing to call a spade a spade, and it is angering Obama and the politically correct crowd as they try to dance around the fact that their verbiage has simply been a scam that has obfuscated the real problem.
Watch the excellent editorial video on page 2:
obama our number 1 enemy
I love Lou!
Here is something to think about!! Before Obama came into Office America did not have Race wars and the Terrorist Threats we have today ..We did not have no groups calling them selves( Black Lives Matter) or a reinvention of the Black Panthers .The blacks & whites all got along .We never saw or even heard much about any Muslim or Islam C**p..Our Government did not have thousands or hundreds of Muslims working in our Government like we have today ..Before Obama we never had Law enforcement officers hated and murdered like we have today ..All this stuff happened after Obama got in office and Hillary Clinton became Sec.of State.Obama had her going to muslim countrys recuriting muslims for our Government in which she was paid a big sums of money and that was hid in her Clinton Foundation..Obama wants to turn America into a muslim country..and he has all the people in DC Government going along with his ideas ..Thats why Obama & Hillary says Donald Trump is unfit to be POTUS.cause the Democrats know lf Trump Gets in as POTUS he will clean up all Depts in our Government for the american people so it will work for the american people not against them like it is now ..As you can see the Muslim population is taking over our nation ..Congress and all the washington Government is allowing Obama to bring in to the UNITEDSTATES thousands and thousands of muslim refugees ..WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE TO STOP THIS BEFORE WE BECOME A THING OF THE PAST…America needs a POTUS that will work for us americans ….Wake up & VOTE for TRUMP & PENCE !!!!
Obama and Hillary supplied most of the weapons, training and funding to ISIS: http://islamthreat.com/word/Islam_Peter_Hammond.pdf Trump says Pres Obama is the “founder of ISIS”. Lt Col Oliver North: “there is no doubt in my mind… if Obama had kept his word about the Syrian civil war… ISIS would not exist. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are founding members of ISIS by bankrolling, arming and supporting jihadists in Syria and Libya to both destabilize the Middle East and expand the domestic police state.
please go on a dating site Sandra – you are on the wrong page!
Lou dobbs forgot what he said 10 minutes ago lol
What! Really! I haven’t seen a race war since the 60s way after Obama lady! Terrorist threats have been going on for 30-40yrs lady what the hell planet are you on! Sit down lady cause you don’t make no since and you talk like a trump puppet.
Agree but alot if people r asleep still believing what the media tells them always making everything about race and so is obama I am Hispanic but trump says it like it is like it or not he is not part of the elite so every thing he says the media twist it up the$#%&!@*while they praise a murder a traitor just because she is a female if she us elected we r fucked she’s just a puppet with a hidden agenda to push forward but hey go vote for her just because she is a female people wake up do ur research stop letting the media brainwash u they r only telling u what they want u to know witch is no real fucken news anyways