When we fought World War II, Nazism was an ideology that spawned tremendous evil and suffering. But there was no doubt that the world had to defeat Germany in order to root out Nazism. Germany was the source, or the foundation upon which Nazism was built, and political correctness did not play a role to confuse the issue or our recognition of what had to be done to win against Nazism. Cause and effect was clearer then, and it helped the nation focus on the real objectives.
In the video on page 2 Lou Dobbs makes some excellent observations about President Obama and his efforts from the very start of his presidency to confuse terminology in order to shape the argument. In the first year of his presidency, he renamed President George W. Bush’s “War on Terror” to the “Overseas Contingency Operations.” He demanded government officials and even the media, which has been ever so compliant in all things Obama, to use verbiage that would completely disassociate acts of terrorism from Islam, or even radical Islam in spite of a very clear connection.
That may have been politically correct and made some people feel better, but the truth is that the vast majority of world terrorism has preceded from Islam, even if it is an aberration of traditional or formal Islam. To pretend that the massacre of 49 people in Orlando this past weekend was an act of “home-grown extremism” as Obama claimed, and to ignore the root of that extremism is to completely sever the connection of the terrorist act from what caused that act. The cause was a religious ideology subscribed to by not just one religious heretic or fanatic, but representative of hundreds of thousands of fanatics with differing backgrounds, home countries, and socioeconomic conditions, but with the same religious root… Islam.
Lou Dobbs nails the hypocrisy of Obama and Hillary Clinton in the video posted on page 2, and it is spot on. He also recognizes that Donald Trump is the one willing to call a spade a spade, and it is angering Obama and the politically correct crowd as they try to dance around the fact that their verbiage has simply been a scam that has obfuscated the real problem.
Watch the excellent editorial video on page 2:
Lou, I see we are going to completely fall to islam. Saudi’s paid killary too many millions to crush the United States using obama and hillary. They will put out false numbers to make less obvious, illegals will vote and by November, we’ll be more muslims then can be imagined! All voting for the fall of the US. Obama, if anyone else, would be in prison! Obama had a supreme Court justice killed, he’s having citizens gunned down, financing terrorists, bringing terrorists into the US, allowed blacks to be who they are, he decimated our military, having police gunned down and put muslim brotherhood in all government agencies , the US will fall to islam because the bushes, Clinton’s and saudi’s all wanted it. Flee before your family is slaughtered! !!
yup …
No surprise
Everyone should read this!!!
i dont have flea’s .but i got this..
I want one!!!
In the event you are confused. PSYOPS or Psychological Operations: Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of psychological operations is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originator’s objectives. Also called PSYOP. See also consolidation psychological operations; overt peacetime psychological operations programs; perception management. (Source: U.S. Department of Defense)
Psychological Operations are a vital part of the broad range of U.S. political, military, economic, and ideological activities used by the U.S. government to secure national objectives. PSYOP is the dissemination of truthful information to foreign audiences in support of U.S. policy and national objectives.
Used during peacetime, contingencies, and declared war, these activities are not a form of force, but are force multipliers that use nonviolent means in often violent environments. Persuading rather than compelling physically, they rely on logic, fear, desire or other mental factors to promote specific emotions, attitudes or behaviors. The ultimate objective of U.S. military psychological operations is to convince enemy, neutral, and friendly nations and forces to take action favorable to the United States and its allies.
Psychological operations support national security objectives at the tactical, operational and strategic levels of operations.
Strategic psychological operations advance broad or long-term objectives. Global in nature, they may be directed toward large audiences or at key communicators.
Operational psychological operations are conducted on a smaller scale. They are employed by theater commanders to target groups within the theater of operations. Their purpose can range from gaining support for U.S. operations to preparing the battlefield for combat.
Tactical psychological operations are more limited, used by commanders to secure immediate and near-term goals. In this environment, these force-enhancing activities serve as a means to lower the morale and efficiency of enemy forces.
Both tactical and theater-level psychological operations may be used to enhance peacetime military activities of conventional and special operations forces operating in foreign countries. Cultural awareness packages attune U.S. forces before departing overseas. In theater, media programs publicize the positive aspects of combined military exercises and deployments.
In addition to supporting commanders, psychological operations provide interagency support to other U.S. government agencies. In operations ranging from humanitarian assistance to drug interdiction, psychological operations enhance the impact of actions taken by those agencies. Their activities can be used to spread information about ongoing programs and to gain support from the local populace.
Psychological operations units of the U.S. Army are language and culturally oriented. The 4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) at Fort Bragg, N.C., the only active Army psychological operations unit, constitutes 26 percent of all U.S. Army psychological operations units. The remaining 74 percent, split between the 2nd and 7th Psychological Operations Groups, are in the Army Reserve. (Source: U.S. Army Special Operations Command)
No s**t
Any one that wants another 4 yrs of Barrack Obama.. just vote for Hillary Clinton…Obama even said at the convention that lf Hillary gets elected lt will be like his 3rd term in office.. ,thats exactally what you will get only 10 times worse.She will destroy all of us americans with her Laws ..She is gona make Sheriah A Law that we all have to endure..She is gona cause a world war like we have never seen before ..She knows she is above the Law in all crimes .She is gona bring in to the UnitedStates of America 65 thousand syrian refugees and us americans will be expected to take care of them ..knowing right now americans can hardly take care of ourselves ..Her and obama is counting on making the USA thier nation and lt will become a Muslim nation ..The foreign nations has been paying her and Obama to change america as we know it .She is gona sell most americans a bill of goods and they will buy it (vote for her in November)lf she gets in the WhiteHouse our lives here in America is over we will have to endure a Living Hell..She will present a good story to get people to vote for her and many will..At the End lf she should happen to win she will laugh at how stupid people was to vote for her..Many voted Obama in for 2 terms Look what we got .A Muslim Terrorist leader.. a race baiter that has cause many to die ,No jobs No security.No nothing but Destruction of our nation ..lf you think about it” ISIS “never came into action tell Obama was president and Hillary was Sec.of state .There is over 200 Muslims working in our Government today all because of Obama setting it up that way ..Thats why Hillary was not Indicted of her crimes she commited ..She Cheated in the Primarys she will cheat again in the general election to win…Everyone in washington is scared of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama ..Lots will be bought to rigg the election for her ..They bought FBI director James Comey ,Loretta Lynch and many others so this murder could run for President and Finish what Obama Started…..I THINK AMERICA NEEDS TO WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TO LATE !!