Prepare to shake your head in disbelief: Congress has given the Obama Administration the power to strip U.S. Citizens of their passports.
This flew under the radar. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted to give the Obama administration an unquestioned ability to seize and cancel your passport without any hint of a trial. Actually, they do not even need to charge you with any kind infraction. Check the next page for the unsettling details.
More Government intrusion into our lives!
And we have fema camps already man do some research because you just made yourself sound like this is something new and its not. Been going on for over ten years now. M$#%&!@* murders are what’s been going on all over the country. All those supposed hate crimes are funded by the government
well in Obama president opinion this is the new American Dream you get it from him
He will take from Americans i citizens one by one day by day all your rights and to the end your freedom
They don’t want us to leave thats why…people are leaving at a alarming Rate.Either moving out of America or moving to more Conservative states
$#%&!@*s running America!
Fuc! The White House and O punk azz and the democratic left wing liberal communists! Period!
This P$#%&!@*port is an old one..mine got a chip…on it..
I’m not allowed, by order of ongr, to bring in my Ukrainian bride, so it’s all par for the course. CW II now!
They give all the rights to the illegals and take them away from US Citizens. This is the liberal way.