Prepare to shake your head in disbelief: Congress has given the Obama Administration the power to strip U.S. Citizens of their passports.
This flew under the radar. The Republican-controlled House of RepresentativesĀ voted to give the Obama administration an unquestioned ability to seize and cancel your passport without any hint of a trial. Actually, they do not even need to charge you with any kind infraction. Check the next page for the unsettling details.
No military exercises under different conditions than they expect to encounter in the real conflict.
Jade Helm is a prelude to real martial law brought about government sponsored firearm tragedies drawing public outcry for gun control and disarmament which is very helpful in implementing control during martial law. Obama will have his third term and who knows…..
Only if your not paying on the back support. I owe child support but its the interest that you cant catch up on. If you owe 3000 the interest they tac on is 4000
My (_!_)is already on a no fly list…
How about all done by… whites?
Blacks? Hispanics? Yea, many were muslim, guess we aught to just bomb em all then egh…
Might want to thumb through the Kabala, Talmud, Torah…
Your religion is full of the same.
Nope… TX man was arrested for paying too much child support.
Peeped it on multiple news stations the a while back.
This goes for congress’ p$#%&!@*ports too, right? Is it me, or has congress been getting more and more stupid and worthless by the day?
This is beginning to make what $#%&!@* look like child’s play.
Are we no longer free to leave the country?
I always thought a p$#%&!@* port was to get back in? š