“What does the LA Unified School District Police Dept need with grenade launchers and an armored vehicle,” asks CBS news.
The LA school district recently received a 14 ton tank and grenade launchers from the DOD’s 1033 Program which brings military vehicles from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to local law enforcement agencies across the country.
Click the links below for more info + watch video:
LA School District Just Acquired Grenade Launchers And A Tank
How many situations within the LA School District requires grenade launchers in any given year.
A pretty easy question to answer: NONE
What is going on here is that Obama is pulling in as much military equipment as he possibly can in preparation for martial law.
He has armed 43 non-security related federal agencies and countless local law enforcement agencies across the country, and now he’s even arming school districts.
Need in case of foreign innovation and it’s coming sooner than we think. NOT to be used on citizens JUST INVASION
Foreign innovation? So if foreigners get innovative the school district can be protected? LOL You might want to check a dictionary.
Use the money that was spent to purchase that as well as the upkeep and maintenance on educating the students instead
wake up America , there getting ready to take us over
Going to be a lot of blood sweat tears for reclaiming our freedom.
los angeles is a city that has one third of its inhabitants belonging to gangs with enough weaponry to rival ISIS in some ways.. to deter the possibility that one day we may wake up and realize that we dont accept gangs that have their own rules and laws…. we shall have to unfortunately pull up our big boy pants and take out the trash that we should have never allowed to begin.
Guess what douchebags,, these things will be driven by AMERICANS . Same as you and me.
Will need when nation guard comes to take your guns. Happened in Boston. 72 citizens killed and many wounded.
What do you think ???
No money was used to purchase the MRAP. The govt had abundance left over when the troops returned. They were getting cut up for scrap when someone noticed that even new ones that hasn’t been used overseas were being cut up. With that said they are only good for transporting police safely into a dangerous area. They are armored and if you Google the Breslin school incident in Russia by Islamic terrorist in 2004 you can see where this would come in handy. C’mon folks use your head.