When asked to provide information about the Obama administration’s secret transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran, Attorney General Loretta Lynch basically pled the fifth and toldLy Congressional leaders that the deal was none of their business:
“Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) and Rep. Mike Pompeo (R., Kan.) initially presented Lynch in October with a series of questions about how the cash payment to Iran was approved and delivered.
In an Oct. 24 response, Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik responded on Lynch’s behalf, refusing to answer the questions and informing the lawmakers that they are barred from publicly disclosing any details about the cash payment, which was bound up in a ransom deal aimed at freeing several American hostages from Iran.
The response from the attorney general’s office is ‘unacceptable’ and provides evidence that Lynch has chosen to ‘essentially plead the fifth and refuse to respond to inquiries regarding [her] role in providing cash to the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism,’ Rubio and Pompeo wrote on Friday in a follow-up letter to Lynch, according to a copy obtained by the Free Beacon.
The inquiry launched by the lawmakers is just one of several concurrent ongoing congressional probes aimed at unearthing a full accounting of the administration’s secret negotiations with Iran.
‘It is frankly unacceptable that your department refuses to answer straightforward questions from the people’s elected representatives in Congress about an important national security issue,’ the lawmakers wrote. ‘Your staff failed to address any of our questions, and instead provided a copy of public testimony and a lecture about the sensitivity of information associated with this issue.’
‘As the United States’ chief law enforcement officer, it is outrageous that you would essentially plead the fifth and refuse to respond to inquiries,’ they stated. ‘The actions of your department come at time when Iran continues to hold Americans hostage and unjustly sentence them to prison.’
The lawmakers included a copy of their previous 13 questions and are requesting that Lynch provide answers by Nov. 4.
When asked about Lynch’s efforts to avoid answering questions about the cash payment, Pompeo told the Free Beacon that the Obama administration has blocked Congress at every turn as lawmakers attempt to investigate the payments to Iran.”
Source: Free Beacon
You are a total disgrace to our country and the DOJ
We pay you, you do not get to plead the 5th unless you are truly guilty of many acts of treason!!!
Left wing liberal c**p!!!
start oiling the rope.
Lock her up
Congress needs to come back and hold a vote of No confidence and strip her of all powers..