Political assassination attempts can be a reality in any country as we in the US know only too well. They are a stark reminder that holding public office or being close to power does carry some personal risks. While the Secret Service and other agencies do a superb job for those at the top, it is obviously just not possible to offer that level of protection to more than a few.
By the same token, assassination attempts can fall under the category of “false flags” — events perpetrated by one organization with the intent that the blame for the atrocity falls on an opposing group thereby creating an outcry for action. False flags have been used throughout history, although, by their very nature, it is seldom clear whether specific acts were part of a false flag operation or not.
A close Trump associate and long-time Republican activist claims to have been the victim of an unsuccessful assassination attempt. More on page two.
FDR wanted to hold these corportations accountable in court… but he needed them as they had the raw materials the USA needed to fight ww2. Dupont Corp. was the only company that had gun powder rights and they owned Remington guns from what I remember. Rockefellar had the oil and this was needed for war efforts too. Both of these companies were doing business with$#%&!@*Germany while the war was on.
Alex Jones is one source for reading or listening too.
Roger Stone is another source. And, general reading of history, internet as it is not controlled as of yet are other sources.
Laura parker your an idiot just like alex jones! Trump is a treasonist sob working to lift sanction off of russia so that him and putin can become trillionaires off of oil and all this stuff about the elites your talking about is maybe true maybe not but if it is trump one of em also ! If you dont think he is then your crazy
I’ve followed Roger for years and unlike most I take what he has to say and research myself. He does have tendencies to inflat to help get a point across but 95% of what he says you can take to the bank!
One more
Also DuPont is another.
Scott Monceaux, I believe Roger is right on the money on this one. They wouldn’t have tried to assassinate him if he were not.l
Clifford David Skeen, You are the idiot! Do you really want us into a war with Russia?. The Global Elite want this war as the Russians kicked out the bankers from that country due to their economic collapse. Who do you think caused that economic collapse?. The bankers want back in. When they have problems with one country in losing control of a country’s currency, they arrange a war with another country. In this case the United States of America. When the USA did not want to do the bidding of England, we had the war of 1812 with England. WW1 and WW2 were set up by the bankers too. Who do you think gave the Japanese the money to spend on their aircraft and planes to attack Pearl Harbor?. The bankers play both sides and clean up on the money on both sides. The same on the Corporations. We need to represent american interests and not the globalist bank elites. Why do you think, Clinton and Obama was attacking one country after another during the Obama administration. None of these countries had Rochschild banks in them. Bush attacked Iraq and a Rochschild bank is now there and they have control over that country
It was David Rockefellar and Carnegie with I believe it was the railroad guy Harriman who funded the Russian Revolution that killed the last czar of Russia. This caused that country to go communist.