London Terrorist Appeared in Liberal Channel 4 Documentary of Western Jihadist

Khuram Butt, one the of the London Bridge attackers, appeared in a Channel 4 Jihad documentary “The Jihadist Next Door” filmed at events hosted by two infamous radical Islamic preachers.

Why would someone make such a documentary? Even liberals need something to watch before going to bed to ensure sweet dreams: destruction of Christian civilization, mass-murders, and a New World Order.

As part of a year-long undercover documentary that aired last January, he was filmed attending one event alongside Mohammed Shamsuddin, who has warned that “Sharia is coming to the UK” and that the black flag of Islam will fly over Downing Street.

In the Channel 4 documentary, Shamsuddin was filmed praying with a group of followers including one of the London Bridge attackers in London’s Regent’s Park under the black flag of Islam.

Watch the interview. That is authentic radical Islam. The London terror attacker shown in “The Jihadist Next Door” reinforced the stereotypical disregard of law enforcement while exulting Islam.

Shamsuddin told his followers: “The Sharia is coming to the UK – this black flag you see here one day is gonna be on 10 Downing Street.”

The two men were later filmed in a confrontation with police who had received a tip-off about the flag and were detained for an hour – but the flag was not discovered. Shamsuddin later told the filmmakers: “Our message is deadly, we are calling for world domination, and for Sharia for the UK.


The U.K jihadist in “The Jihadist Next Door” and the London Bridge attackers are not lone wolfs. U.K. security officials estimate they’re at least 3,000 jihadist roaming the streets.  Counter-terrorism officials only have the resources and jurisdiction to monitor 7 of these radical Islamic terror suspects.

Read the sentiments of the London Bridge attackers shared well before any act of terror was actually committed.

After criticising British foreign policies and treatment of Muslims, he added: “What’s gonna happen, you’re gonna face a backlash in this country… if you’re gonna suppress and suppress I mean it’s like a tinder box, it’s gonna explode.”

Praying is not at the heart of radical Islam. Killing infidels is the mission faithful (radical?)Muslims are tasked with fulfilling.

Here is the entire “The Jihadist Next Door” documentary

Source: Telegraph



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