Islamic Taqiyya is the principal taught by Islam that says lying and deception are acceptable and appropriate actions that can be undertaken by Muslims to help promote the faith. There is nothing like it in any other religion, and it is the reason that the many countries now being flooded by Muslim immigrants from Africa and the Middle East should be ultra cautions.
Many Muslim clerics and adherents have declared that their ultimate goal is to spread Islam throughout the world, either by preaching or by the sword, until all people are under the control of Sharia law, or are dead. This is one reason why the huge numbers of Muslims pouring into Europe and the United States should be very troubling to native populations.
Taqiyya dictates that these people can quietly and peacefully integrate into a society (although in many cases they are not melding in quietly or peacefully), but when the numbers are sufficient, they will rise up and conquer the host nation. That can be done politically or physically, but it is already evident in some neighborhoods in England, France, and Germany, where Muslim immigrants are demanding their local area be ruled by Sharia law rather than by local or national laws. This principal is not a wild-eyed, xenophobic rant, it is, in fact, found in the Qu’ran and other Islamic writings.
In Britain there are efforts by the largest Islamic charity to post Islamic calls to action throughout the city. The PR campaign is also one that has a mixed message, and locals are pushing back.
See efforts to contain the Islamic recruiting efforts in Britain, page 2:
English people are slow. Cannot see the Forest for the Trees.
britain has one chance to remove this cult from their shore’s and it needs to be done now.
the old UK has done lost their freaking minds
It’s gonna get Ugly!
the old UK has done lost its mind, are they that freaking stupid?
So they will get what they ask for
I hope the people of London wake up soon and give the boot to these Muslims, if you don’t then be prepared to embrace sharia law
Liberal people who will cause a civil war
So they’re basically an invasive species type of situation. When you introduce something into the environment that is hostile to the existing organisms, it slowly replaces the less violent ones, the ones who attempt to coexist, until they are all gone. Like putting a southeast Asian snakehead fish in a pond with bass and catfish. They are all predators, but the extreme aggression and violence of the snakehead combined with it’s reproductive rate will eventually be the end of the bass and the catfish in the pond’s ecosystem. The size of the pond and available food and hiding places make it take longer, but eventually the other fish are eradicated. So if you like bass and catfish, don’t introduce snakeheads to the pond.
Educate yourselves about this Islamic move to further infiltrate the United Kingdom, all non-muslim (Infidels…us) people better heed these warnings. By this teaching, that friendly muslim neighbor that you like might truly be “The Wolf in Sheeps Clothing!” Might I suggest, “The Advanced Invasion Force!”