Islamic Taqiyya is the principal taught by Islam that says lying and deception are acceptable and appropriate actions that can be undertaken by Muslims to help promote the faith. There is nothing like it in any other religion, and it is the reason that the many countries now being flooded by Muslim immigrants from Africa and the Middle East should be ultra cautions.
Many Muslim clerics and adherents have declared that their ultimate goal is to spread Islam throughout the world, either by preaching or by the sword, until all people are under the control of Sharia law, or are dead. This is one reason why the huge numbers of Muslims pouring into Europe and the United States should be very troubling to native populations.
Taqiyya dictates that these people can quietly and peacefully integrate into a society (although in many cases they are not melding in quietly or peacefully), but when the numbers are sufficient, they will rise up and conquer the host nation. That can be done politically or physically, but it is already evident in some neighborhoods in England, France, and Germany, where Muslim immigrants are demanding their local area be ruled by Sharia law rather than by local or national laws. This principal is not a wild-eyed, xenophobic rant, it is, in fact, found in the Qu’ran and other Islamic writings.
In Britain there are efforts by the largest Islamic charity to post Islamic calls to action throughout the city. The PR campaign is also one that has a mixed message, and locals are pushing back.
See efforts to contain the Islamic recruiting efforts in Britain, page 2:
Foolish country !
Putting them over government , jobs that they shouldn’t be in then your parliament turning to Muslim religion ? Seriously !
You really going to give up your country so easily , someone wake or replace the Queen !
Before England is no longer !
London are tratiors
Haha… Londoners are punk$#%&!@*bitches… They ain’t got the balls to stand up for themselves.
whats wrong with the pansy Brits ???//they gave in to this blasted muslim….are they out o their minds ????Beautiful London will turn into a chaotic muslm enclave in no time…..goodness gracious and that mayor is already being an$#%&!@*this early even threatening Trump ….fthat more ,uslim errorosts will create more problems in america i Trup prevents them from entering the U.S.. what a big$#%&!@*tat Paki…..
You can all thank Cameron now chaps
Take’s London …not the UK….and by the way they added another piece..
When did the European people founders of order, civilization, and just about every other advancement making modern life decent become such pussies? I’m curious about this… seriously what the$#%&!@*do you think is going to happen when these warm fuzzy third worlders finally overtake the native population replacing altruistic traditions and values with the backwards dogma that these warm and fuzzy third worlders once felt so threatened and oppressed by that they fled? London’s about to find out, sadly so are Paris, Munich etc. It will not end until we make it end. WakE the$#%&!@*up, open your eyes, ask yourself honest questions. The feel good gushy idealism of adopt and bring home fuzzy third worlders died in my mind when Mohammed decided to kill and rape members of my country and my race. The Occidental world is about to wake up. I’ve been ready.
The Queen has fallen so she should pack her stuff up and move out … because she will no longer be in charge. First they murder Princess Diane because they did not want her to marry a Muslim so I wonder if this is her way of trying to prove her love for Muslim’s … beat her f**e butt it is..Instead the investigation into Diana death was at the hands of the royal palace. So bet your pounds the Islamic will have the last laugh.
Sad & disgusting !