London Buses Now Declare ‘Glory To Allah’

There is an Islamic group called Islamic Relief in Britain that claims it wants to “break down barriers” and to present the positive side of Islam by decorating the iconic red buses in London with the phrase “Subhan’ Allah”, which means “Glory to Allah.” It has many wondering about ulterior motives for the campaign and also wondering about the group behind the effort. More specifically, is this simply a form of Taqiyya, or simply a PR effort?

The new campaign by Islamic Relief is, ostensibly, targeted at raising donations for their Ramadan aid to Syria, but is attracting attention for the “hundreds” of buses which will be decorated with the phrase “Subhan’Allah”, or ‘Glory to Allah’.

Muslims reading the advert are told that to “gather the rewards of Ramadan”, they must to donate to Islamic Relief, an organization which had its accounts with banking giant HSBC closed after “concerns that cash for aid could end up with terrorist groups abroad”.

Public transport has been chosen for the Islamic re-branding in London, Manchester, Leicester, Birmingham, and Bradford – all UK locations with high and growing Muslim populations, reports the Sunday Times.

The announcement of the new campaign came the day after London crowned its first Muslim leader, Mayor Sadiq Khan. Islamic Relief called it a “nice irony” that the two events coincided.

Imran Madden, a British convert to Islam and director of Islamic Relief’s United Kingdom Branch said: “There is a lot of negativity around Muslims at the moment involving things such as counterterrorism issues.

“We want to change for the better the perception of Islam. The bus campaign is about breaking down barriers and challenging misconceptions”.

Mr. Madden, a former geography teacher, said he hoped the posters would help start a “conversation” in Britain but made no reference to the evidently supremacist nature of the phrase “Glory to Allah” – often mistranslated as “Glory to God” by Western media outlets, in the same tradition as “Allah hu Akbar”, which rather than meaning “God is Great” actually means “[Our] God (Allah) is greater [than yours]”.

The misappropriation of words is not uncommon with Islam, with the most famous misdirection being the word “jihad,” which believers will insist means “striving,” as in striving to make oneself better, but which is much more commonly used to mean conquer, and conqueror, as in “the jihadis launched a jihad against the United States.” The first definition sounds so benign and positive, but the real application is nothing short of warlike. That is particularly odd coming from the “religion of peace.” And the evidence is mounting that Muslim immigrants do not intend to settle and to integrate.

Recently some towns in England have been instructed to not fly the British flag for fear that it will offend Muslims who have moved into the area.  And even some British officials who were proponents of Islamic “accommodation” are now recognizing the folly of their actions.

There are liberal groups who want to shame citizens and other groups for their concern about huge numbers of migrants coming across national borders, but there is ample evidence that these migrant groups can be dangerous, disruptive, demanding, and hugely expensive. The good people of London should be very cautious about planned Islamic messaging on city buses that may mean much more than what the promoters say it means.




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