While the political elite are eager to welcome over a million immigrants into Western Europe this year, not everybody seems to share their enthusiasm. Citizen protests have taken place in Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Sweden and now the Netherlands.
While most of these protests have taken place using the more common methods of human chains, sign posting, and bus blocking, a more recent method of protest used in the Netherlands involved butchered pig heads.
See the video on the next page.
That’s funny…..our gov’t has thousands of pig carcasses buried in various locations used for the different stages of decomposition for forensic science…..doesn’t seem to affect anything here!
Listen , I’m 100% with you guys on the migrants BUT throwing pig heads around is barbaric . Can we not beat the enemy and still remain ourselves ?
we need to stand folks our government is crazy
Show me where in the law it says it is a criminal offence to leave pigs head on gates ect
Who cares what they label it, it works.
They are protecting the brotherhood. Pig heads on a farm or ranch area are not a crime. They are nature at her best!
Maybe they prefer bullets