While the political elite are eager to welcome over a million immigrants into Western Europe this year, not everybody seems to share their enthusiasm. Citizen protests have taken place in Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Sweden and now the Netherlands.
While most of these protests have taken place using the more common methods of human chains, sign posting, and bus blocking, a more recent method of protest used in the Netherlands involved butchered pig heads.
See the video on the next page.
Well that’s just too bad – Label it what ever you want to call it, long as it works who cares ??
What a waste of good kopfkaese! (Headcheese)
Get a life what a bunch of whiners
Disgusting! Just asking for trouble!
How stupid can you get!!!
Then Just GET THE HELL OUT !!!
I think this kept a bunch of muslim animals from crapping all over the place and theirfore has helped to keep the enviroment clean, Its all how you look at it, They should get an enviromental award or something.
It is just like using garlic to keep vampires away. Thats. what the pig heads are apparentlysuspose to keep Muslims away hey if it works we don’t have to kill Muslims. Ha ha. Bit the heads will decay what the birds don’t eat and the other animals then all there is left is Bones (maybe)
We need more pigs!
good idea