While the political elite are eager to welcome over a million immigrants into Western Europe this year, not everybody seems to share their enthusiasm. Citizen protests have taken place in Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Sweden and now the Netherlands.
While most of these protests have taken place using the more common methods of human chains, sign posting, and bus blocking, a more recent method of protest used in the Netherlands involved butchered pig heads.
See the video on the next page.
Great idea
Environmental really? What happens when a cow, bird, dog, coyote or anything else dies in the wild who do they charge then? This is the dumbest thing I have heard of today anyway.
no crime justice
Get real, your gonna slaughter them anyway
Obama DECLARES civil war !! Threatens States that refuse refugees with military action USING THE UN forces. SO ?? Do you make a stand for they safety of you family OR ? make a stand against a Aggressive President ? Texas and 4 other states STAND AGAINST the President….
Islam a political movement disguised as a religion but really a cult of the devils
Bull c**p!
hahahahaha..Josey..good movie good comment..good riddance ..use feral hogs
There are Bacon scented candles, you know.