While the political elite are eager to welcome over a million immigrants into Western Europe this year, not everybody seems to share their enthusiasm. Citizen protests have taken place in Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Sweden and now the Netherlands.
While most of these protests have taken place using the more common methods of human chains, sign posting, and bus blocking, a more recent method of protest used in the Netherlands involved butchered pig heads.
See the video on the next page.
They served their purpose. The turkey vultures will clean up the mess.
fcking muslims are an Environmental Crime.
Hi Tony” Nice comment, I tried to send you a request but wasn’t connecting, I don’t know what happen, i would like to be a friend if you don’t mind, can you add me on Facebook! Thanks.
Hi Marlin” Nice comment, I tried to send you a request but wasn’t connecting, I don’t know what happen, i would like to be a friend if you don’t mind, can you add me on Facebook! Thanks.
Hi Matthew” Nice comment, I tried to send you a request but wasn’t connecting, I don’t know what happen, i would like to be a friend if you don’t mind, can you add me on Facebook! Thanks.
These poor pigs heads should be turned into their local mosques immediately!!
Hi Jeffrey” Nice comment, I tried to send you a request but wasn’t connecting, I don’t know what happen, i would like to be a friend if you don’t mind, can you add me on Facebook! Thanks.
We just need some of those giant boars to patrol our borders and I bet it will cut down on refugees and ISIS sneaking in
Jamie, the fight never Ended, Hello! , its still going on!!!!!!
Just how is it an environmental crime – explain that – you people make all kinds of statements with no proof and I am sick of you – come up with an rational explanation of your description